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Early Years - Reception

Class Teacher - Mrs N. Melling


The early years foundation stage (EYFS) sets standards for the learning, development and care of your child from birth to 5 years old.



Mrs Melling, alongside the other members of staff in Reception class, will assess all of the children at the end of the school year when they turn 5.

The assessment is based on classroom observation - your child won’t be tested. We use the early learning goals, a bank of statements, which can be found in the early years framework, to determine whether your child has achieved the expected level for the end of reception year or not.  If your child acheives the expected level in the areas of learning: Personal, Social and Emotional Development.  Communication and Language.  Physical Development. Literacy and Mathematics it will be deemed they have achieved Good Level of Development at the end of their Early Years journey.  All of this information will be reported to you in their end of year, school report. 



Here is a visual timetable of the school day in reception class.  The children will participate in a variety of adult led teaching and learning, adult led group work, directed independent activities as well as having opportunities to learn through their own play and investigation, both indoors and outside.  The children have access to the outdoor provision everyday, in all weathers.

Every child particpates in daily phonics lessons.  In Reception we follow the Little Wandle scheme, the same as the rest of school (See the Little Wandle tab for more information).   

Daily interventions occur to ensure that any gaps in learning are targetted.  If your child has an individual speech and language programme, this will also happen in accordance to their plan. 

All About Me!

Literacy - Monkey Puzzle

Little Wandle

For more information regarding our phonics scheme: Little Wandle, please click here.

Mathematics - Long Term Plan

Little Wandle/Reading - Parents Information

Autumn 1

Little Wandle

Phase 2

Autumn 2

Terrific Tales!

Literacy - The Three Little Pigs

Photographs from a busy half term.

LINK to Little Wandle video for teaching 'tricky words'.  See how we teach the children to read words that are not decodable. 

Insert content here

Save the Children - Christmas Jumper Day!

A Wriggly Nativity

Every angel, sheep, shepherd and lamb will be using all their excited energy to wriggle their way through this little musical. Irresistible!

Front Cover

SPRING 1 - Amazing Animals!

Spring 1 Timetable

Little Wandle

Chinese New Year.

Phase 3

Phase 2

Spring 2 - Come Outside!

Spring 2 MTP 1Spring 2 MTP 2

Oliver's Vegetables

Olivers Vegetables


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